Spinach Omelette and Home Fries
Looking for a healthy, macro friendly breakfast that’s high in protein? I’ve got the perfect thing!
Macros: 38g protein, 20g carbs, 15g fat
275g liquid egg whites
145g frozen homefries (measure frozen)
handful of spinach
26g shredded cheddar
Pro tip: For measuring, I put my air fryer basket/frying pan right on the food scale and then hit tare and measure things out. For more measuring and tracking tips, check out my Macro Guide

-Put the homefries in the air fryer at 400 degrees for 9 minutes.
-Start cooking the egg whites, let them cook until almost done - lifting edges to get liquid from the top to cook.
-Top with a handful of spinach and add cheese on half.
-Fold over egg whites to cover the toppings.